Lambanog Wine

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Lambanog Wine – Philippine Coconut Vodka

To the hardy-drinking rural people, lambanog, the coconut liquor, is the Philippine alcoholic beverage — the arrack of the masa.

If you want to taste and experience the Lambanog Wine from the Philippines, CLICK HERE.

Mostly generated in the Southern Tagalog area, especially the Quezon area, lambanog wine has indeed been called the “coconut nectar,” 100 % natural, 80-95 proof spirit that emerges from the sap of the unopened “heart” of the coconut. It has actually slowly circulated into liquor’s tributaries of tastes, meriting comparisions by having the additional spirits of international renown, earning attributions like “Philippine tequila,” “coconut vodka,” “coconut wine,” and “Philippine grappa,” and beginning to appear in high-end bar menus of martinis and mixed refreshments, laced by having guava juice or passion fruit.

The Lambanog Wine: 100 % pure natural liquor!

The Lambanog is a renowned Filipino sprituous refreshment made from the sap of the unopened coconut flower. Distilled mainly in the Quezon province, it is even known as coconut vodka or coconut wine. Consistent efforts at standardizing lambanog production caused its more desirable high quality. The Lambanog wine now is already being exported to additional countries and continues to win foreign consumers due to its non-chemical components as well as its potency.

For more information on Lambanog Wine in the Philippines and to buy, CLICK HERE.

The Lambanog wine is a major part of the Quezon province tradition. It traces its roots back to the very early 1900s. People in the location consider it a way of life. Generations of coconut farmers have definitely passed yet the Lambanog is still being generated and keeps getting better. The province is merely a couple hrs away from Manila.

The processing of making the Lambanog wine is done with the following three phases:

  1. Pruning of the coconut flowers – the coconut plantation staff or farmer goes up the coconut tree to prune its flowers and permit the sap to drip into a tukil or bamboo receptacle. He then returns the next morning to gather the receptacles.
  2. Fermentation/Cooking of the sap – after this phase a coconut toddy in your area known as tuba is created.
  3. Distillation of the tuba – the classic Lambanog is then ripened by time.

Lambanog wine processing is primarily inexpensive and uncomplicated. This is the reason why it is called ‘the poor man’s drink‘. In the rural areas of the Quezon Province, festivities and occasions are never thorough without the lambanog wine.

The ‘tagayan,’ a practice in which folks take turns consuming Lambanog wine using only one glass positioned in the center of the group, is a loved day-to-day activity in the area. The coconut tree grows throughout the Philippine archipelago. Coconut tree items have definitely consistently been among the leading exports of the nation. Just recently nevertheless, other nations have certainly paved the way for a tougher competitors in the coconut export business. The Lambanog is an outstanding addition to the Philippine export market. With intelligent and constant innovation, it can easily obtain worldwide popularity.

If you want to taste and experience the Lambanog Wine from the Philippines, CLICK HERE.

Lambanog Wine - Arrack Coconut Wine

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